Cytokine Storm Syndrome – a Bird’s Eye View

Nalini S¹
Ganesh K²

¹Assistant Professor,
Department of Physiology
²Assistant Professor,
Department of Physiology,
Government Theni Medical College,
Theni, Tamilnadu, India

  • In COVID19 infection, the most dreaded complication that may cost life is ‘Cytokine Storm Syndrome’ (CSS) also called as ‘Cytokine Release Syndrome”. The term is new even for many medical professionals. There seems to be genetic predisposition to develop this complication. Cytokines seem to be double edged weapons depending on the time of infection and quantity of release. Knowledge on and recognition of CSS has become essential due to COVID pandemic affecting about 5% of infected. Being a newly emerged virus, researches are ongoing throughout world to find out its mutation behaviour, sensitivity to drugs and to invent an effective vaccine. Though we have enough knowledge on auto Immunity and hyper sensitivity disorders, significance of cytokines’ functions and effects of dysregulation is vast and needs emphasis. Hence this article aims to provide a birds’ eye view of CSS and its various aspects.
  • Keywords: Chemokines, COVID19 & Cytokine Storm Syndrome