Leena Priya Mayan¹,
Sathya P²,
¹Final Year Postgraduate,
²Director & Professor,
Department of Physiology,
Institute of Physiology and Experimental Medicine,
Madras Medical College,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Background: Over the past three decades, obesity has spread throughout the world. Obesity is associated with both macro- and microvascular problems, and vascular dysfunction is thought to be a major contributing factor to the increased risk of obesity-related death and disability. The purpose of the study was to identify the lipid profile pattern in obese people. We sought to study the lipid parameters and compare them to the healthy controls of the same ethnicity because obesity is a significant predisposing risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD).
- Aim: The study was aimed at determining the pattern of lipid profile in the obese male and normal healthy volunteers.
- Materials and Methods: The study was done after getting approval from Institutional Scientific and Ethical committee and was conducted in OPD at Madras Medical college and hospital. Males between 30-60 years (20 with obesity chosen as per WHO classification of BMI ≥ 30 as study group and 20 healthy individuals as comparison group). Under strict aseptic precautions, 4ml of venous blood was taken to assess their lipid profile (total Cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and VLDL) using Enzymatic calorimetric method. Data analysis was done by SPSS.
- Results: Independent t-test was done to compare the mean of lipid profile parameters in obese and control group. Data was analyzed for mean and standard deviation for all parameters. There was a significant difference between the lipid parameters of study and control group. The mean of obese group (t(TC)=-13.17, p < 0.0021, t(TGL)=-11.84, p < 0.0040, t (VLDL-C) =-10.26, p < 0.0054, t(LDL-C) =13.66, p < 0.0072) was higher and the mean of obese group t(HDL)= -15.26, p < 0.0013 was lower than the mean of control group. Thus, the obese group were associated with a statistically significant (p<0.05) larger mean than the control group.
- Conclusion: This study emphasise the significance of taking lipid profile in treating metabolic diseases. To conclude that obese participants showed a positive relationship in BMI and lipid profiles.